Our general cleaning service is available to help make your life easier, for when you don’t have time or you just need a little extra help. The areas that are included in this service are;
Main Living areas
Bathroom(s)and Toilet(s)
Floors vacuumed and moped
Bedrooms (only get a quick wiped down then vacuumed/mopped)
Rental Inspection General Cleaning Service
Rental inspections every three months can be quite stressful, escpecially if you’re busy with work, children and/or pets. We are here ease your anxiety and offer up our services. This service falls under our general cleaning service as well. We cover all rooms of the house however in a much more detailed fashion. For this service the minimum booking time is 2 hours for 1 employees.
Contact Us
If you have anything extra that needs cleaning we are happy to help and can give you a quote accordingly. This service works on an hourly rate with a minimum of 2 hours to be booked so please give us a message or email for a quote.